Quality awareness, professionalism, close contact with customers, entrepreneurialism and a great love of the product. Deliciel offers various kinds of products and therefore covers the needs of different segments.
Seasonal offers are one of Deliciel AG 's strengths. These are available in various flavours, varieties and shapes. Whether heart, fir tree, star or geometric shapes, everything is available at Deliciel. As a result we can also contribute to enjoyment on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter, national holidays, during hunting season and also at Christmas.
The selection is huge and is suitable for any kind of gastronomy business, from traditional restaurants to staff canteens, to hospitals and retirement homes. For example, Dolce Vital is a dessert range that is very suitable for diabetics.
You can find many suitable solutions in the catalogue: desserts, mini desserts, Dolce Vital, cakes, gateaux, fruit cakes, crumbles, seasonal products, catering and snacks. Almost daily, Deliciel AG develops creative new products tailored to customer needs, which always find great favour with consumers.
Find out more at www.deliciel.ch